What is 3D virtual reality gaming? 3D VR gaming is when game users create a virtual avatar and put themselves in a virtual world. This technology is still in the infant phase, but Oculus Rift already has a prototype in which the user can wear 3d virtual goggles. So in the near distant future you might be able to see your goggle-wearing children playing these VR games. Author- Allen Mak 3D 真人虚拟游戏 什么是3D 真人虚拟游戏呢?3D真人虚拟游戏由游戏用户创建一个自己的虚拟化身,并把自己投放到一个虚拟的世界里面玩游戏。这项科技仍然还在发展的初级阶段,但是Oculus Rift(一款为电子游戏设计的头戴式显示器)已经生产出游戏用户可佩戴的3D虚拟防护眼镜模型。因此在不远的将来,你会看见自己的小孩戴着防护眼镜玩真人虚拟游戏。 |