Recently in Chengdu, an old factory chimney was demolished. It came down like ‘a ton of bricks’, literally. Elsewhere, the courts were coming down on drink-drivers like a ton of bricks. To come down on someone like a ton of bricks means to punish them very quickly and severely. Andrew Turner 严厉的惩罚 最近在成都,一个老工厂的烟囱被摧毁。它倒塌的样子像是“一吨砖瓦坍塌下来”,这是“a ton of bricks”字面上的意思。 a ton of bricks其他用法如:法院严厉惩罚(a ton of bricks)了酒醉的开车的驾驶。 “To come down on someone like a ton of bricks 对某人就好比砸下来一吨砖头 ”的意思是立即严厉地惩处某人。 |