Outsourcing If I need a job done as soon as possible (a.k.a. asap) and my company doesn't have the resources to do the work at that time. I might as well outsource, meaning I'll contract someone else to do the work for me. Outsourcing is a common and useful means companies use to accomplish a task. Heather Pfeiffer 外包 如果我需要尽快完成一项工作(亦写作asap),然而在那一刻我的公司并没有配备这样的资源来协助我完成这项工作。那么,我最好考虑外包,意思是说我将跟别的人签合同,为我完成这项工作。外包是一种可以帮助公司完成任务常见而有用的方式。 |