Jane Austen was one of England's greatest writers. She produced several novels which feature women of the upper middle class struggling to find a place in Regency England. She is best known for her satirical style and quotable lines and phrases. She lived with her sister and never married.- Lindsey Bard 简·奥斯汀 简·奥斯汀是英格兰最伟大的作家之一。她出版过多本描写以中上阶层女性为代表,在英国摄政时期挣扎寻找自己人生位置的著作。她最出名的是其幽默讽刺的写作风格,她书里的很多语句至今都被人传诵。她跟姐姐生活在一起,终生未嫁。 |