I recently learned an interesting word in Japanese and it’s called, “Otaku”. An otaku describes someone who is obsessed with Japanese anime, manga, or video games. It’s often used in the media as a negative term because it describes someone that is apart from society who can’t make real connections with real people. But I think it’s interesting because it just means that not all people live life the same way.——Allen Mak 日本御宅族 我最近学会了一个有意思的日语词,它叫做“Otaku御宅族”。一个御宅族描述的是那些整天沉溺于日本动画,漫画,或者电子游戏的人。它被媒体负面使用, 因为它描述的是一个与社会脱离,丧失了与现实生活中的人进行正常交流的能力的人。但是我认为它有意思是因为:并不是所有的人都会选择过同一种的生活。 |